May172019Sailfly-X spare parts Brand: Happymodel Materials: PC Weight: 0.6 gram Suitable for Sailfly-X STP Files download Share this postShare with TwitterShare with Google+Share with PinterestShare with FacebookShare with LinkedInPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:Happymodel XT30 Plug Pigtail Power Wire with 100μF CapacitorNextNext post:M1.4×4 screws for Sailfly-X motors mountRelated postsSailfly-X frame kit05/18/2019Crazybee F4 PRO V2.1 flight controller 2-3s Lipo compatible05/18/2019HCF7P AIO 5.8G 25mw VTX 700TVL Camera for Sailfly-X05/18/201965mm 2-blades propeller 2.5inch for Sailfly-X 1.5mm shaft PC material05/18/2019Flight controller mount pack for Sailfly-X05/18/2019Carbon fiber bottom plate for Saifly-X05/17/2019